
Ratings should give climbers an idea of what problems are most worth checking out when they visit an area. The rating is an indication of the overall quality of the problem including aesthetics, the clarity of the line, the quality of the holds, the safety of its landing, and how fun it is to climb and work on.

A rating should take into account the quality of problems in the area, so a problem may receive a higher rating if it stands out in the area, even if it might not rank highly in other areas.

Rating Distribution






Most problems will be rated average. This does not mean that the problem is bad or not worth climbing, only that the problem does not stand out compared to other problems in the area.


Problems with even one star are noteworthy and worth checking out during a visit to the area.


Two star problems rank highly in almost all criteria and are worth spending some time on.


Three star problems meet all the criteria of a great problem and will be the best problems in the area.