3 Edits for


A Scanner Darkly

Description and First Ascent

175 weeks ago

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A 35+ move endurance fest. Start with all four points on the start of Dirty Dancing, traverse into and climb Power Puku, climb Leon's Line (this eliminates all the holds on Du Hast) and finish with Frank's Better half.

Marco Lefebvre 2021

First Ascent and Variations

179 weeks ago

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The Wheel of Waitomo project Same climb but finish with Savage Alfresco.

Marco Lefebvre 2021


179 weeks ago


A Scanner Darkly

A 35+ move endurance fest. Start with all four points on the start of Dirty Dancing, traverse into and climb Power Puku, climb Leon's Line (this eliminates all the holds on Du Hast) and finish with Frank" Better half.


Same climb but finish with Savage Alfresco.

Marco Lefebvre 2021